Tag Archives: break

between drops

Just checking in since I’ve been MIA for 4 days? Allllways remember to get drops ahead of time. I really don’t want another repeat of these past couple breaks.

What a wrench, to see how much weight your losing.. and on a roll.. Only to come to a point where you run out of drops.. And have yet another break. Only a week after the last break.

Sure, it was perfect timing, Halloween and all that. But really.. I miss the weight I lost last week.

I’m mulling around a couple ideas.. Debating on whether I want to do what my grandma did, and do a very long round.. Only taking breaks for holidays/special occassions (basically make P2 a lifestyle change for the time being) or go ahead and run this round until just before Thanksgiving where I can go off it for P3 and then P4 until Christmas where I load for the next round. I could lose 10 more lbs before Christmas doing it the first way… Or I could lose only a few since I tend to think of ‘breaks’ as free-time. :/ Not a good thought-process for such a strict diet.

I have found that HCG is much more forgiving then I’d originally thought (so far anyways!) As long as I make sure I’m not on HCG when I’m going off protocol. However….. My mind still isn’t conditioned properly.. I DO hold back better then I used to. However, I never stick strictly to P3 on my breaks. Which is super bad. And… I’m rogueish. :/ Which means, don’t do what I say I do! 🙂 I’m really only testing the waters for a bit before because I’m curious how this diet works as a more relaxed form. (Strict VLCD, mostly protocol foods until a holiday/special occassion… Which may very well make staying on the diet easier to do as long as I can stop taking the drops 2 days before the event.)

Buuut.. with all that said. 🙂 Halloween was so much fun. I used a body shaper, and was amazed at the difference I saw! (i’ve used the same shaper before, and certainly didn’t see that!) It was really fun to wear jeans, that I couldn’t even begin to button up before and zip my billabong sweatshirt up (that I’m using to judge how small I’m getting 🙂 It was really too tight to zip up before I started this diet.. Now I can zip up with fairly semi-ease!

Debating on seeing if I can do a chicken day tomorrow to get ready for starting VLCD, Thursday. Really looking forward to getting back on the diet. I really want to see 229 before Thanksgiving. 🙂 I don’t even know when the last time was I was in the 220s.. I think it’s probably been about 4 years.

Wellp, on to watch DS9 with the hubby! 🙂

❤ happy